It has been awhile since I have written here.

The Christmas season seems like it was ages ago now… but it was glorious… I loved every minute of it: the lights, the music, the gatherings with friends and family, the Christmas cards, the church services, and then, most of all, waking up Christmas morning to read about our Saviour in Luke Chapter 2. My husband and I have made it a tradition to read the Christmas story in Armenian, English, and even Spanish and Russian. While I am not fluent in Spanish or Russian, I enjoy sitting back and listening to the beauty of these languages, to the words that evoke so much meaning as they communicate such a transforming truth for us all…

And then the New Year was upon us, and we were able to escape to the mountains for a couple of days… that was a peaceful time… my favourite part was driving through the national forest, catching glimpses of deer, wild horses, wild turkeys (what a sight!) and more… the noise of the city was far behind us as we were enveloped by snow covered trees and the calming silence of the forest…

Now we are home again.

There is so much to think about in the next few months. Yes, there is always an excitement mixed with a certain uneasiness about the new year… about anything that is new, really…

Last week, I spent the day with a friend, and we talked and talked about the thrill of new adventures, new love, and at the same time about the unsettling feeling of not knowing exactly what is to come… that tension that exists… it was so wonderful to witness that sparkle in her eyes and the way we tend to talk ever so quickly about thrilling things… that breathless, rapid pace: “and then… and then… and then…!”

Another friend reminded me that we must take things day by day… yes, I know. But sometimes, I forget. Sometimes I get ahead of myself…

There is so much to think about in the next few months; there is so much to do.

And I can’t wait…

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