Dear faithful friend

How I have missed you.  How I have longed to see you…  to know the refreshment that you give my soul each time I am by your side.

And I have felt your presence again and it was as wondrous as the last time.

Your mighty waves crashing upon the shore

Sparkling like diamonds under the sun

The ebb and flow of you…  coming and going… again and again, always returning… washing away my pain, nourishing my soul, laughing with my joy, filling me to overflowing…  pointing me towards Heaven each time I am by your side.

I can’t help but think of the Creator whenever I see you, ever since I was a little girl when I first fell in love with you, dear, constant friend, you take me straight to the Father.  Each time.

I am in awe.

The wide expanse of you, the awesome power

I could sit here for hours.

And reflect.

Remembering the losses.  Relishing the joys.   Being humbled by the grace.

I watch my little ones dance beside you… giggling, laughing, singing, orchestrating symphonies with your waves…  they are falling in love with you just like I have…

My spirit leaps within me when I see their joy…  my Beloved is out much farther than we are.  I watch him free, leaping and resting in that wide expanse.

Ah, faithful friend.  We have been through much together.  You have been there when I have wept with pain and when I have sung with joy…  you have heard my prayers, providing the soothing background music for my words…

And each time, as my heart swells with praise, you have taken me heavenward, lifting up my eyes to the most Faithful One who called you into existence.  You have taken me in the light

Faithful friend, you have been a constant in my life for years and years now…

Til we meet again.


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