So I realized something today.

We were in the car, my Little Ones and I, when my older babe took off one of her shoes…. she knows she isn’t supposed to do this, but she did it anyway, and then asked time and time again for me to put it back on for her. But I was driving. And I really can’t do two things at once, especially when I am driving. So, in a gentle voice (by His grace!), I said: “I will put that on for you when we get home.” I continued to drive; she continued to whine.

And at that moment, as I asked for help to remain patient (because I am desperate for help and I can’t do this on my own), I realized something.

I realized that time and time again, I whine to my Father. I ask him: Please, will you do this for me… now? Please? Please? Will you take care of this for me? Will you answer this prayer I have right now? Did you hear me? Right. Now.

And of course, He hears. But He tells me to wait.

Of course, I hear my child. Of course, I answer her. I told her to wait. She didn’t like that answer. And she continued to ask and ask and ask; while I remained silent. I repeated myself once, twice, thrice and then remained silent the rest of the way. But I was still listening to her voice, still loving her, praying that she’d understand…

Sometimes, my Father seems silent, and it seems like He isn’t there.

But He is. He is there; He is listening.

In His loving ability to know everything, He already knows how my story will be resolved… and me, I already knew that once we arrived home, I would indeed put my child’s shoe back on for her. Of course, I would do that. But not just yet.

I know this is far, very, very far from a perfect comparison: a toddler’s shoes and life; me and the Father. The gap is so vast, it is kind of silly! But still. I did realize something today. If I, with all my weaknesses and struggles and faults, am able to care for my little whining babe and love her so much and want to do what is best for her, how much more…

How much more will our Father do for us

How much more…

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