My first show with Free Planet Radio was just this past weekend, and all I can say is that it was one amazing experience!  The guys had asked me to sing three songs during their show at Whitehorse Black Mountain and I was honoured to do so.

The drive up Saturday morning was beautiful… warm Spring-like weather… my babe sleeping in the back…  and me, enjoying the scenery… and enjoying the company of my husband…  one thing to be sure, car rides are some of our favourite ways to spend time together… my husband even mentioned this on our way… no distractions: no internet, no meetings, nothing but the long stretch of road, some good music & conversation and the wondrous beauty of Creation all around us…  it was a calming trip to be sure.

We had booked to stay the night at the sweetest hotel, the Monte Vista hotel, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is planning a trip to the Black Mountain area!  It is a lovely old home that has been turned into a hotel and the rooms are so pretty and comfortable… you feel like you are in your bedroom more than in a sterile hotel room.  Wonderful service, wonderful people!

Sound check was perfect.  Got to meet Bob and Kim, the owners of the venue – Whitehorse Black Mountain.  They are a great couple, so passionate about what they do at Whitehorse.  They love supporting music and artists.  Do check out this eclectic venue when you are in town!

We had some time to rest up at the hotel before the show… and then finally, made our way there… found an interesting parking spot thanks to my husbanad’s ingenuity… yes, he is a creative man!

I arrived at the venue just before it was my turn to sing for the sake of my little one who had developed a cold… we wanted to keep her comfortable at home as much as possible.  So while I really wanted to see Free Planet Radio perform, my babe’s health was of the utmost importance.  The guys didn’t mind at all… as River said to the audience, “we all have kids and so our days are never boring!”  True enough.

The beauty of it all, my little one loves music… she especially loves the percussion… and while the guys were finishing up their last number before my set, she was bouncing around in her dad’s arms to the music… I love watching this!

It was amazing to be on stage with the guys… they are so talented… adding embellishments, beautiful improvs here and there…  it was magical… and the crowd loved it from the start… they were clapping and clapping, some were even dancing… and during one of my bittersweet songs, my husband said the some were crying… it never fails to move me deeply when I see just how engaged people get with my music – especially people who do not even understand the words!   The audience at Whitehorse was superb and I loved performing for them.  At the end of my 3 songs, they even gave me a standing ovation… and I was moved to tears… what a night!

While I usually love to stay after a show and talk to people in the audience, this time, my husband whisked me and our babe away so that she could rest.  I did get to speak to some people, and everyone was so gracious… I can’t wait to be back, Black Mountain!

Thank you to Bob and Kim, Don, and of course, River, Chris and Eliot.  You guys are the best…

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